Welcome to our month, the month of courage, the month of connecting, the month of sisterhood. September is both gynecologic cancer awareness month and ovarian cancer awareness month. We hope to inspire you and give you hope throughout these next 30 days. Teal Diva has collected both a positive and a negative moment, thought, memory, happening; in a post-cancer diagnosis life, and a piece of advice from our fellow survivor sisters. These are their thoughts, and will be their thoughts all month long – we’re so honored they shared them with us and now we get to share them with you. So, we invite you – open up the curtains, let the light shine in, breathe the fresh air, and know you are not alone, there is hope, there is support, and HERE is sisterhood!

A Positive : “Four….yes FOUR previous grandchildren I never dreamed I’d be here to love.”
A Negative : “I’m not as active as I was before diagnosis, oh to feel like being busy & productive again. That being said, I am so very thankful to still be here after 13 years of fighting this nasty disease.”
A Bit of Advice: “When I was first diagnosed I felt my life was practically over. Enjoy & be thankful for every single day. I realize some days are hard but thinking about the worst is such a waste of what could be years, yes, years of life ahead.”
-Cynthia, Ovarian Cancer Survivor
A Positive : “The Best thing that came out of my diagnosis was they put a plan in place for me to live.”
A Negative : “The negative thing was my severe PTSD now from the trauma I’ve experienced.”
A Bit of Advice: “Take it one day at a time and do it on your terms. Allow yourself to feel all the emotions and CELEBRATE All Wins.”
-Lindsay, Cervical Cancer Survivor

A Positive : “Joy in every day I wake and LIVING every day, and a true love and appreciation for this body that has carried me so far.”
A Negative : “Fear of leaving my kids and family too soon.”
A Bit of Advice: “That joy is possible even on the hardest days and to LIVE each day to the fullest, adventuring or on the couch.”
Tara, Ovarian Cancer Survivor
A Positive : “That in every situation there is hope, a small light in the darkness. You have to allow yourself to move through the struggles and to find the brightness. It is there, it just might not be as you expected it to be. Ask for help, you will be amazed at who will show up. Also, sit with God, he is there and can be such a source of strength.”
A Negative : “I think it’s important to feel all your feelings. There will be a lot of negative ones. You just can’t take permanent residence there. Most of the time it’s fear driving those feelings. I found that it is so important to surround yourself with your “tribe”. Those individuals who get you, and you get them. Helping others helps you. Just realize that you will lose some of those friends that you thought you would have forever. It’s hurtful, but I promise there is an entire group of people out there so ready to love you exactly where you are at.”
A Bit of Advice: “Find a gyn/onc who is your partner in this journey. This makes all the difference in the world. My gyn/onc Dr. Kendrick is one of my biggest cheerleaders and one of the smartest men I know. Treatment is hard, keep pushing though, recovery can be even harder. This journey will change you, let it change you for the positive. Above all else, help others. If I can make another’s journey a little easier than mine has been, I am grateful. Also, don’t forget to work on your mental health. Seeing a mental health provider who specializes in cancer can be very helpful in setting your mind properly to help you move forward. Always look forward, you are not going back:)”
-Sherry, Ovarian Cancer Survivor

A Positive : “I’m aware of listening to my body and my heart is full of gratitude and empathy for those with cancer.”
A Negative : “The only negative for me is training my mind to accept that I am not the same person I was before cancer.”
A Bit of Advice: “Keep your people close, talk about all your fears and concerns to your Dr. always, and fight with grace.”
-Cheryl, Endometrial Cancer Survivor
A Positive : “Learning to be a strong advocate for myself.”
A Negative : “Losing friends who were scared about my diagnosis.”
A Bit of Advice: “Listen to your own voice, make yourself and your health a priority, and be a vocal advocate with your healthcare providers.”
-Deborah, Ovarian Cancer Survivor

A Positive : “Renewed my relationship with God, appreciated my family more, started painting again, finding joy in every breath I take!”
A Negative : “Letting anger and sadness control me for a time. I still struggle with it from time to time.”
A Bit of Advice: “Find something to occupy your mind. For myself, painting is an escape, but also helped give me a sense of control.”
-Nancy, Ovarian Cancer Survivor